You will awaken the most intimate senses. Without complications and in a simpler way you can play with the game Sensual & Sexual. With this game we try to awaken the most intimate senses of each player. The training will take you to a highly sensual environment where the most hidden senses will surface, the lack of libido will not be an excuse or say that stress is the cause of your lack of sexual appetite, they probably are, but with SENSUAL & SEXUAL PLAY these symptoms disappear. Their contaminations are the most desirable for the occasion, sensitive for the moment, sensual, morbid, mischievous... It involves you enough to know your bodies better and appreciate yourself more positively and deeply, without shame, without taboos, without any concealment of any kind. type. If you bring it to fruition, you will only get a better sexual and couple relationship. SENSUAL & SEXUAL PLAY contains several toys that at some point you will be able to use, we recommend that you use them all, and that you respect them to the letter YOU WILL WIN! We recommend a sensual environment, soft lighting, scented candles and music depending on the moment, they must be dressed and footwear either in pajamas, everyday clothes or summer clothes. You must be prepared. strawberries, banana, shot drinks and champagne, sweets and some edibles to your liking, you will have prepared another outfit without your partner seeing it, it does not necessarily have to be very sexy or in your case something fun. Alcoholic drinks are not strict, they can be supplanted by soft drinks, DRINKS AND LIQUORS WITHOUT ALCOHOL. GAME
CONTENTS: two number dice, two tokens, a pen, a mask, a tape, some handcuffs, a posture die, a body die, an action die, an edible painting, a vibrator, some Chinese balls, a scented candle and a laminated three-dimensional panel. GIVE FREE RELEASE TO YOUR IMAGINATION. PLAY.
- Language: Spanish
Diablo Picante , pioneers in Spain in the production of fun items with erotic themes for all types of celebrations: bachelor parties, birthdays, retirements, pranks, night parties and any other event with friends and colleagues.